How to Master Your Sales Pitch?

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Nothing is more disappointing than spending all of your time and effort in convincing a prospect, and in the end, you don’t close the sale. “

After introducing your company to the market, you need to master your sales pitch to grow your business.

Sales pitching comes under one of the highest growth professions that could make you boost your business growth and revenue to an unexpected level.  

It is the number one skill that one could develop by following the below-mentioned tips and suggestions.

Starting with its definition. 

sales pitch key points

What is a ‘Sales Pitch’?

‘It is a method or technique to sell your product or services to prospective customers or investors.’

There are two types of sales pitches. 

  • General sales pitch targets existing customers and new ones.
  • A startup sales pitch targets investors to help them with funding.

When you want to build a business with a large customer base, you need a perfect sales pitching team to generate revenue, build a rapport with your company, attract potential customers or investors, and sell your product.

Now we are going to discuss a few methods that will help you to understand and improve your sales pitch techniques.

5 Ways to Master Your Sales Pitch

1. Understand that pitch is about the customer, not you

Before starting to sell a product, you must know that prospect doesn’t care about your company or the challenges you faced. They are focused on themselves and the problems they are facing. 

So, you need to create a sales pitch that is focused on providing value to the customer’s needs than making quick sales for your company.

The customer is the king and you have to make them believe this. Address their issues with empathy and then provide solutions with the help of your product or service.

2. Think about consulting, not selling

This is the basic mistake that one always makes. Instead of listening to customers’ concerns, they start selling the product by giving out lengthy descriptions.

You need to know their problems and concerns when meeting one-to-one. This will also help you in finding out whether they are potential prospects or not. You could transfer your time and energy to another prospect.

sales pitch techniques

Note: You must follow these three steps and develop an ability to identify and convince your potential customers.

3. Focus on building relationships, not sales

You must build the relationship to maintain your growth instead of just selling your product one time. There are three ways to foster that: 

sales pitch methods

After this relationship, present your product as a solution to their issues. Remember that, Problems drive sales. There will be a huge difference between introducing your product directly and introducing it after building a relationship. 

For instance, many salespeople work in a bank as credit card sellers. The common mistake they all make is that they sell their services to the customer and then never take a follow-up.

In worst cases, when a customer calls for any clarification, they tend to ignore that call. With this attitude, you will lose your existing customer as well as your future leads with that particular customer. Don’t make this mistake.

Click here to explore: Outbound marketing techniques

You must let them know that you have got their back.”

4. Develop the ability to handle the rejections

You will go through nine No’s to get one Yes. This will help you to improve your communication and convincing skills.

Therefore, don’t be disappointed but learn from your experiences. Don’t get too involved and avoid being personal. It is a job that requires following some techniques and tips and you are good to go.

Selling is not a selling job, but a rejection job.”

5. Pause before replying and engage them to talk

These are the small things, but yield results in your favor if you pay attention. You don’t have to continuously talk with them like a tape recorder.

Instead, you need to listen to them and show that you are an active listener. You are paying attention to their small details. This way you will be able to empathize with them.

Ask more questions and opinions about the products/services they are using. You could use all those information later. However, first, you have to give a human touch, not like a robot.

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5 Tools to Master Your Sales Pitch

There are a few tools that will guide you specifically to improve your capability of sales pitching:

1. Use e-mail pitches

A study shows that email pitches have a higher rate of converting your pitch into sales. It has a higher chance to be responded to by the prospects as compared to other methods of calls, SMS, or posts.

Follow these points while using an email pitch:

  • The subject line should be catchy and appealing
  • Draft a short mail. Precise and informative
  • Length should not be more than 125 words
  • Mention your target customer with names to generate familiarity
  • Don’t add more than two Click-to-Action tab

2. Use a ‘whiteboard’ or a ‘notebook’

Whenever you are describing your product to the customers, try to use more visuals. It leaves a long last impression on their mind.

Layout the process one by one and then list it out. In Zoom call, you should use a whiteboard activity and if you are explaining one-on-one then, use a notebook. Show them a checklist on the whiteboard to be more creative.

3. Attach a PDF document along with your sales pitch

After introducing your product, attach a PDF file. So, whenever they will have the time they would look into it and understand all the processes and other needed information.

You may miss out on some important details to share or they forget to ask. Then, this details document will guide them and persuade them to close the deal.

4. Provide sample or trial to the prospects

In this highly competitive era in business, you have to do something that will make you stand out from others.

To please the customers, you have to offer them a 10 days or 5 days trial. Make them try out your product sample and let them see the difference.

Here’s an example of Canva:

canva free trial

This way you will introduce your product/service smoothly and provide them with time and authority to decide.

5. Use a story-based sales pitch

You could use this to make them remember your product and company a bit longer. Researchers show that people can remember a story more than any other thing.

Design your sales pitch in a way that mentions your company’s background, problems that occur, and how they overcame them to build trust.

Final Thoughts

These were the five techniques and tools to master your sales pitch.

To become a successful entrepreneur or salesperson, follow the above methods and increase the customer base of your company. These techniques will help you in building a trustworthy group of consumers.

Always remember that,

If you will not follow the sequence of sales, you will lose your profit.”

Lata Raj

She is imaginative, approachable, and believes in a growth mindset. She is process-oriented and prefers to follow her intuitions. She loves to read books, especially autobiographies and the cosmos. Her favorite quote is, “Nothing worth having comes easy".

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