Launching CBT Solution With One Clear Mission [Interview]

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An Idea and its implementation lives in two separate worlds. It takes a lot of effort to bring down your startup idea from your mind-world to the real-world.

There are so many budding entrepreneurs who are planning and struggling to launch their idea but the challenges keep them down. However, many make their ways and successfully launch their company.

Today, I want you to meet Calvin Ransfer, who has launched his new company called “Clear Business and Technology Solution”, with a team of motivated minds.

He has a story to share, that would motivate us, and show us way for our startup ot business. The launch of CBT Solutions will help you to plan the launch of your startup. 

Let’s learn directly from him.

founder of cbandts

About Calvin Rasnfer

Navy veteran with more than 30 years in the technology industry experience. Calvin is a kind and supportive person. He believes that any business or process can be made a smooth dynamic with a right choice of  technology. 


Q1. How does it feel to see your startup taking the first step?

The last time I felt like this was at the graduation of my youngest child’s graduation from high school, as he and his classmates streamed into the auditorium it hit me that today my baby takes his first steps into adulthood and I was beyond happy for him I was equally terrified.

Did I equip my child with the tools to navigate this world?  As the launch date of this new venture is quickly approaching, the vision in the making for many years is finally coming to fruition and the coming together of a few key members of the team have been in the making since the days of high school overseas (that’s another story for another day).

Q2. What is your core idea with CBT Solutions? And, who will be benefited by your startup?

Clear Business and Technology Solutions (CBANDTS); we look at business through a different lens; we view businesses like a doctor views the human body. 

Your business is dependent upon a collection of systems (programs) to function and just as we are dependent upon our brain, heart, and lungs to survive, our body fails without the connective tissue and skeletal structure of our bodies. The technology architecture is the connective tissue that our businesses rely on to enable us to interact with our customers.

CBT Solution focuses on the continuity between your technological infrastructure and frictionless operation of those business systems. 

Who will benefit from our services and solutions? 

Any business from those just starting-up to the multi million dollar enterprise will reap the rewards of partnering with CBT Solutions.  Our focus is on cost effective, secure, scalable, reliable, and mobile friendly solutions tailored to our customers specifications.

Q3. What is pre-launch? What strategies did you use and was it helpful to you?

CBT Solutions has been in pre-launch for years, meaning I have known for at least 6 years what I wanted this company to look and function like, I’m a strong believer in diversity and team.  

Team CBT Solutions hale from the 4 corners of the globe and we share a common passion in the delivery of high quality solutions to our clients.  

We have a couple of clients that we have worked with to validate our tools and process flows.


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Q4. What is the major challenge you think you will have after the launch of your startup?

There are great mean technology providers out there and building that brand recognition, marketing attracts customers to the CBT Solutions store front.  COVID-19 has actually helped the team refine our work processes and we have already helped a handful of businesses adapt to the new business paradigm brought on by the pandemic.

Q5. How have you successfully reached the launched date? And, what’s next?

Developing the business plan for this venture has taken the most amount of time and effort. I found myself falling back into an old bad habit I had as a young software engineer, as I would review my work I found myself writing new and improved versions of the plan.  So I called on my longtime friend and chief console to save me from myself. 

Pulling the core team together was probably the easiest part of this journey todate. I have worked with my core team at some point in time and we all have a great deal of respect and admiration for the gifts and talents of one another.  

Having been in this industry as long as this group has been pulling together the resources on deciding on a platform was relatively straight forward.  

What’s next??? 

Public sector contracts division, in 3 to 6 months we should be finished with the certification process to qualify as contractors to the federal state and local governments.

Q6. What would you say to those who plan a lot but fear to launch anything?

Believe in your vision (your passion) believe in YOURSELF. 

I’m a man of faith so I have spent a lot of time in prayer and meditation on my vision. Seek out a mentor, I have had the pleasure of talking with people who have been very successful in their chosen business indeveers. 

Don’t be afraid to fail. Failures are important lessons to the road to success so don’t give up on your vision.  I have this saying on my desk “If it was easy everybody would do it”.

Q7. If you get one more day, what else would you do before launching this startup?

At this point being just days from launch, if I had one more day I would SLEEP. The plan is laid out, the team is ready to put things into motion and we will soon be reviewing the analytics and adjusting course as needed.

Final Words

NxtDecade express its heartily congratulation to Mr. Calvin and his team for the launch of their startup, CBANDTS.

My best wishes with CBT solution and their team. Also, I request all my readers to say their best wishes to Mr. Calvin, or ask any question which they feel like asking in the comment sections. 

Sanya Singh

Co-founder of NxtDecade | Copywriter & Email Marketer | She believes that your inner skills are your true power. And sees entrepreneurship as a medium to develop amazing solutions for the existing problems of the world.

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Achuthandan J

    Dare to start and after that make some time to sleep once it start no time to sleep till the vc exit vision is passion so it follow with action but tolerate every reaction as injections till control emotions continue actions make the project in action,with all hard work and spirutality you will win the game to be the next unicorn.

  2. Swetaleena

    Very much informative article. Many many best wishes to the Team. I hope it would inspire many more people to join the mission 👍

  3. Nelly promise

    Congratulations Calvin! Wish you the best,success all the way…..

  4. Ruth

    Inspiring!Failures are important lessons to the road to success.thankyou

  5. Oliver

    I can relate to these struggles… Putting the plan in motion is hard work. Well done

  6. Anu Khanchandani

    Congratulations Calvin. An intelligent solution to cater to all aspects is much needed .. especially by startups !

  7. Kathryn Jenkins

    Congratulations Calvin! I wish you the best in your new venture!

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