10 Tips for Building a Powerful Community

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Whenever we start a new business, we want to have a strong grip on the market

The next question that comes into your mind is, how to build the reputation of your company or even make it recognizable in this competitive industry?

The answer is simple! 

Start by building a community of people with similar interests, who will then speak on your behalf.

business community key points

Why a Community?

In this digital era, the behavior pattern of consumers and clients has changed. Now they have access to all the information regarding the background or growth of a company. 

People are making informed choices instead of being irrational or indecisive. They are building trust through word-of-mouth or connections.

Thus, creating a community has become an integral part to grow your business. Once customers and clients are convinced of your content, values, and stories, they will establish a loyal fan base and spread your network to the target audience.

But yes, it’s not as easy as you might think. It is a tedious and time-consuming process involving expanding connections on various platforms. You have to be continuously active and take part in all the activities related to that. 

quotes on community

Still not sure, how to begin, then don’t worry. ‘NxtDecade’ is here to help you out in building your community. 

We have mentioned a few strategies which we are using to be a part of this shared community. With our examples and stories, we will guide you to build your own robust community.

But first, let’s find out:

The importance of building community for your business

Building a community for your business has always been important but now their importance has increased over the past 10 years.

Brands have become more human now. And these human connections are vital for a successful business. It shows the authenticity and perseverance of a company in a market.

1. Digital evolution made it compulsory

Social media platforms led to the creation of a relatable interaction that connects companies to their users directly. This process comes under ‘community building’ that allows the customer to speak their mind and be heard by the brands.

Due to advancements in digital platforms, all the pieces of information, and reviews are available for everyone.

Customers read them and build the image of your brand. They want to share their feedback so that it can be used for the improvement of your particular product or service.

When brands build a community, they invite potential customers to become a part of something bigger and to have an impact together.

by Stauber

2. To convert your marketing attempt into sales

Once a community is created, people will come to experience it.  They will purchase your products and services and encourage others as well to try them. A form of “inbound marketing” is established here.

This will form a group or connections where every customer or client will generate leads for your company through their positive experiences.  

For instance, ‘NxtDecade’ has started building its community for blogging mentees and budding entrepreneurs. Gradually, we formed a strong network of people who are our clients as well as mentees. 

They take help from our services and recommend them to others because of their valuable experiences. We have created a mutual rewarding system in our community where we benefit from each other. 

Tips for building a powerful community for your brand

We have put together 10 powerful tips for you to start building your own business community.

So, are you ready to find out?


Then, here we go.

1. Begin with thorough market research for your community

Before creating your community, you need to conduct proper market research. It will help you to find out your target customer base, the viability of your product or services, and the techniques you have to follow with their feedback.

You must target your customer according to your services and then build connections. Start a website and introduce it to your customers.

For instance, ‘NxtDecade’ offers a range of services from blogging courses to developing websites for entrepreneurs. Therefore, we build our connections on various social platforms like LinkedIn, Quora, Facebook, etc, and explore people who might need our services in their future endeavors

2. Increase the involvement of your customers

While building a community, you have to provide access to the people to interact with you and provide feedback. They must feel that they are in a familiar and friendly environment where their thoughts will be heard and shared.

Before and after introducing a product, interact with your community and let them know about it. You can ask for their opinions or feedback and make them feel valued even after they have purchased your product or services. It will help in expanding your community through their positive experiences.

NxtDecade’ organize Sunday meetings with new and former mentees to guide them and ask for feedback to improve ourselves too. We increase our interaction consistently by being in touch with our clients and mentees.

Here’s a screenshot of one of those Sunday’s:

the community of new bloggers

3. Build a value-driven company on social media platforms

Customers can identify companies that follow certain values and abide by them in the long run. They trust them and want to do business with them without having second thoughts. 

Companies like TATA, and WIPRO are examples of value-driven companies. We can look at their growth and the community they have built around them.

Therefore, you have to form some ethics and values and portray them on your social platforms to form credibility.

4. Highlight your purpose

It’s only when companies are clear about their purpose, have communicated it, & it is understood by the team that companies can achieve both unity of effort and distributed decision making.”

by Marc Koehle

It is obvious that once your company has realized its purpose, you need to share it with your community. People who have a similar purpose in their career will follow you and make it a bigger community.

5. Try to be more faithful and real

Trust and being faithful are the basis of any relationship whether it is business or personal. You will develop trust by showing transparency in the methods you follow to build your company. You should display your true self as it will give advantage in the future. 

Without trust, the entire community can quickly fall apart

Trust is the underline bond of every social community and being trusted is an even higher compliment than being loved. The goal of every community is to build trust by delivering value with products and services.

6. Share stories of your team members and clients

While creating a community, the first step is to start internally. Ask your team members to share their journey and their life stories to show relevancy. People will be able to relate to you and think that they all are the same. 

Stories have strong power to change someone’s thought process and even their capabilities. Through stories, you can build a close-knit community with a strong presence

Here’s how Zomato shared stories of their delivery partners every week, appreciating the hard work and dedication of their community. 

You can share your client’s stories and form strong testimonials to promote your business in your community just as we did. 

To know more, do check out our testimonial page and take ideas.

7. Create strong blog content

Well, blogging is an important method that helps in promoting your business by driving traffic and giving ideas about your customer base. You have to create effective blogs consistently to help your community. 

You can provide necessary and well-researched information to guide them.

It will provide exposure to your business that will assist you in attracting new customers or clients. Your readers will boost your brand awareness. Thus, strong content has multiple benefits and you should work on that to build your community.

Blogging is Super Easy With a Mentor

8. Make your customers feel special

Community makes you feel lucky and unique to be part of the group. Whenever there is any problem people seek help from their communities. They will feel that you have got their back whenever any problem would arise. 

You must value people who are in your community and make them feel special by following some methods:

  • Arrange regular giveaways for them.
  • Allow them to test your product and services as trial
  • Ask them to provide feedback or ideas and the best one will be selected as the ‘Customer of the month’
  • Organize small events for them to participate in and interact with each other

9. Set up online groups on various online platforms

You should form multiple groups on Facebook, LinkedIn, or Instagram to help people discover you. It will also give them a platform where they can voice their concerns or opinions. 

Set up some purpose and aim for a group and interact with your community regularly. Even though it is a small step but it has a larger impact later. They will come to know about your work ethic and build a positive image.

building facebook group

10. Initiate a social mission with your brand

People have become more socially aware and like to attach themselves to companies that have some social mission. They like to address social issues like gender bias, inequalities, and job safety in the corporate world. 

According to statistics, companies that supported the ‘Me too movement’ had built a strong and trustworthy community and boosted their growth. 

People follow these initiatives and would like to participate.

Thus, initiating a social mission that is discussed by your team members will surely help you in building a powerful and trustworthy community.


A powerful community allows you to establish yourself and have your back in a long run. It’s a new way of co-creation that will build your brand with the help of your customers. 

With the help of the strategies that are mentioned above, start building your community and grow your business. These tips will do wonders for your brand.

Always remember,

If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together!

Lata Raj

She is imaginative, approachable, and believes in a growth mindset. She is process-oriented and prefers to follow her intuitions. She loves to read books, especially autobiographies and the cosmos. Her favorite quote is, “Nothing worth having comes easy".

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