Leadership Bench: How to Build Leaders in an Organization? (Book Review)

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“Hope is not a strategy!

I first read this in the book “Leaders Made Here” which has been on my rack for more than three to four months. I planned a few times to read it, however most of the time I got indulged in other priorities that I had to postpone reading this book. 

One good day, due to the power supply failure in my locality, I was not on electronic devices. So I picked the book “Leaders Made Here” written by Mark Miller. 

In the intro part, I came across this sentence, “Hope is not a strategy!” which completely upsurges my interest in this book. 

hope quote

Previously, I had assumed that this book would be telling me ways to become a good leader. But NO, it was different. In fact, completely different! 

The author, Mark Miller was no longer just interested in building leadership quality in you, instead, his primary focus was about building a leadership bench, leadership culture in an organization. This reminded me of a quote that I strongly believe;

A leader is one who makes more leaders, not followers

Leadership Bench

As an individual, I have always stressed delivering my knowledge to a level that makes the receiving person a leader rather than a follower in that context.

But since, now I own a small business, and I even have half a dozen interns, a dozen bloggers learning under me, and of course a good network of professionals; so it’s no longer about just leader as an individual, but it’s now about leadership bench that I need, that my organization need or would need. 

If you are a founder of a company or a CEO, don’t assume yourself to be the only leader in your organization or company. In fact, I would say, don’t DARE to do that! 

Instead, focus on building a culture in your organization or pipeline that builds leaders. 

Yes! You are not just doing with products and services in your company, you are building leaders as well. 

And, I guess this is how this book got its name; Leaders Made Here

This article is more than a review of the “Leaders Made Here” book because promotion is not my only target with this article. More than that, it’s about the lessons I have learned, and of course stories in this book that depict the leadership bench and leadership culture in an organization made me recommend this book. 

If you are in my locality, you can get this book from me for your weekend reading. However, if you are far, and if you have planned to purchase it, use my affiliate link to purchase. I will get some commission for my coffee and produce more interesting book reviews for you. Thanks in advance!

From Leaders to Leadership Bench

Your organization or company needs more leaders than more employees. But! How are you going to do? What are the steps? And, who will be doing it? What points to care about?

Learn all about building a leadership bench in an organization with this book: “Leaders Made Here” by Mark Miller

Now, back to the leadership bench!

So, with these good numbers of leaders in your organization, there is a RISK!

What if all your leaders have their own definition of leadership? Would it not create clashes that potentially will tear up your organization? And so, it becomes important for you to have a common definition of leadership in an organization.

Leadership is at the core of an organization or company. In fact, investors or big companies bet on leadership. Your work or leadership culture, and how sustainable it is; makes you a long-lasting company. And this book “Leaders Made Here”, tells you how to build leadership culture in your company. That too in the form of stories, guides you on how you can make leaders in an organization or company.

Benchmarketing & Collaborative Mindset

Benchmarking is another lesson to be learned in this book. How does benchmarking help to expand our world? How to do benchmarking for your company? 

A prospering company, or one that prioritizes leadership as their main resource, has a collaborative mindset rather than competitive. An unethical, competitive trait gives your company a poor future advantage.

However, there is always a better way to look at the competition.

To be continued… 

More on Leadership

Satya Prakash Mourya

Founder of NxtDecade | Blogging Mentor | Satya is a seeker, a learner, and an observer. He sees the opportunity in every situation and likes to transform it into strength. He believes in simplicity and it is reflected in his working style. His beliefs motivate him to create processes, ideas, and content that is easy and interesting.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. 就爱要

    Where there is a will, there is a way.

  2. Chintagunti Priyanka

    Mind blowing review on leadership

  3. Chintagunti Priyanka

    Mind blowing review on leadership

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