9 Areas Where One Can Start Personal Coaching Business

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In our lives, there must have been a time when we all felt the need for someone who would guide us in achieving our goals. It may be about deciding between career choices, developing a new skill, improving our physical and mental health, etc.

During these times, a personal coach is required who can understand our problems and insecurities and help us to deal with them. Today, we know these personal coaches as business coaches, health coaches, or life coaches.

Personal coaching’ is a modern type of coaching that gained popularity due to today’s fast pacing lifestyle and business world. The one who receives the services pays them and improves themselves to fulfill their goals.

If you are someone who wants to explore career options in personal coaching, read this blog till the end.

key points in personal coaching article

What is Personal Coaching?

Personal coaching involves working with learners (coachees) to help in their personal growth, business, finances, career, or health.

The main task involves a coach and coachee having a mutual understanding of the scope of their work and documenting that understanding in the form of a contract. 

It’s a one-on-one approach to learning which often have more impact than other forms of coaching. 

A personal coach is direct and focused. Hence, they can identify obstacles that are preventing your growth. They act as a mirror to their learners by sharing an unbiased perspective.

Personal coaching is better than group coaching in terms of attention level

For instance, you may already know sports coaches and how they train any trainee through their extensive techniques and continuous encouragement to become a better player. 

Nearly, 65% of the world population has or had a ‘Personal Coach’ for their self-growth or in developing a new set of skills.

What Does a Personal Coach Do?

The use of this term ‘coach’ has been used for many years but was generally related to sports. It’s only recently that ‘non-sports’ coaches have become popular among us. 

A ‘Personal Coach’ help a person set better goals, take more action, make better decisions, and use their natural strengths. They provide support, guidance, and feedback to coachees for enhancing their skills, motivation, and creativity.

A personal coach may not be actively engaged in that field but is highly experienced and trained to coach others.

In a nutshell, they use techniques to advise and support their coachees and facilitate and accelerate their learning journey.

Who Needs a Personal Coach?

The internet has made it possible for anyone to access personal coaches from anywhere in the world. Advancements in technologies such as online payment methods, and video calling applications serve as a boon to learners.

Individuals who are struggling with their unhealthy lifestyles, unsatisfactory career, or poor mental health seek a personal coach.

A few specific situations where one needs a personal coach are given below:

  • To develop or enhance a new skill
  • Starting a new business/ start-up
  • Switch between jobs
  • Maintain a good work-life balance
  • To build a self-esteem
  • To eliminate stress from their life
  • Become more productive
What do people want?

Skills to Become a Personal Coach

If are passionate about teaching and have the required knowledge, and resources, then you can consider personal coaching as your business option.

For instance, to become a health coach, one should be health conscious, know exercises and diet plans, and have all the required equipment.

Owning a degree isn’t a barrier to starting a personal coaching business. However, having some certificates or licenses builds trust among learners and credibility in the market.

For areas like mental health or family coaching, it is advised to have some certificates related to counseling or psychology.

Areas to Start Personal Coaching

Here, we have mentioned 9 areas to start a personal coaching business:

1. Career Coaching

It involves guiding students to their dream college and helping them to figure out the courses to enroll in during graduation or post-graduation. A career coach also trains job-seekers toward their dream job and the role to consider as per their degree and skills.

A personal coach possesses knowledge related to various career options and connections with different colleges or companies. Clear insight and being updated on the latest demand in the market are pre-requisite for a career coach.

Do explore: How MentR-Me helps students in their college admission process?

2. Health and Wellness Coaching

It has gained popularity due to the modern lifestyle and increasing dependency on synthetic food intake.

This has led to poor health, and medical conditions like diabetes, obesity, or breathing problems among people that made them concerned about their health and diet. 

A wellness coach gives motivation and tips on health-related issues like losing weight, nutrition, and fitness. 

A few career options for health and wellness coaching are:

  • Gym instructor
  • Yoga coach
  • Dietician
  • Zumba instructor
  • Meditation coach
  • Esthetician

However, you need a registered license, a large space, and essential equipment before starting it. Fitness enthusiast are even preferring these classes taken on online platforms.

A Wellness coach ‘Jyoti Prasad’ has started taking her ‘HappyFit‘ classes through the Zoom platform. Because of this, trainees can join her sessions from all over India.

She has trained 100+ females in these five years. Her motive is to make every woman in India fit, strong and healthy. 

Here’s a quick journey of Jyoti:

3. Relationship and Family Coaching

Relationship coaches have experience in various relationship dynamics; from romantic relationships to family and friendships. It involves counseling families about their marital problems, emotional disorders, or behavior problems in children.

Counseling is a method in which individuals are presented with different perspectives on their problems. 

A family coach also deals with different parenting techniques and spread awareness about issues like ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), anxiety disorder, ODD (Oppositional Defiant Disorder), bulimia, etc.

Family coach with ADHD child

4. Self-Growth or Life Coaching

 A life coach helps their coachees to focus on their present life, make necessary adjustments (big or small), and encourages them by establishing positive goals in their personal and professional life.

They can teach specific skills related to managing stress and anger or improving efficiency at work.

A few examples of life coaching are given below:

  • Improves mental health
  • Increases productivity
  • Develops positive mindset
  • Introduces spirituality
  • Anger management

5. Personality Development Coaching

A personality development coach improves communication skills and builds leadership. They develop professional etiquette that is necessary to have at the workplace. They also improve your critical thinking and shape your overall personality.

Institutes like the Freedom Employability Academy train people in terms of personality development to present themselves better in an interview.

6. Dating Coaching

It sounds like a new concept, but it has been in practice in western countries for many years. 

A dating coach help individuals meet their goals in romantic relationships by providing advice on how to date successfully, how to communicate better with their partner, or how to deal with feelings like rejection or jealousy.

They have a wide range of knowledge related to relationships, dating, emotional intelligence, and behavior patterns. They also deal in marriage counseling, couples therapy, and premarital counseling, and provide effective therapy.

7. Business Coaching

A business coach is a professional mentor who supports, educates, and motivates business owners. They provide recommendations for a company’s vision, growth, and goals.

Effective business coaches help businesses grow by prioritizing and implementing strategies.

They also act as business consultants and assist in marketing, finances, or sales, to startups or any existing firm.

A business coach should be experienced and skilled to deal with their client’s business challenges and limitations.

8. Skill Development Coaching

They focus on developing some specific skills for their mentees. These skills can be:

  • Video editing
  • Blogging
  • Copywriting
  • Podcasting
  • Digital Marketing
  • Photography
  • Foreign languages
  • Beautician

For instance, the co-founder of NxtDecade, Satya Prakash Mourya offers a one-on-one mentorship program for blogging and setting up your website.

blogging course

9. Lifestyle Personal Coaching

People are hiring a lifestyle coach who guides them in traveling or in establishing a personal style. They help in building confidence in people by making them achieve their goals.

Steps to Start Your Personal Coaching Business

Now, let’s discover the complete process for starting a personal coaching business as a full-time career.

1. Look for the ‘niche’ you want to start

Check out the list of niches and pick one as per your experience and interest. Something that excites you and gives motivation. You can also take help from the areas mentioned above.

How to choose your niche

2. Solve a problem that will get you paid

It implies finding the most profitable problem to offer your services and getting paid. Areas that are popular or in trend may help to decide this.

3. Search the viability of your niche

Conduct thorough market research about the survival of your niche by checking whether people are already investing in it or not.

4. Name your business and get the necessary equipment

Pick any catchy or thoughtful name related to your niche, design its logo, and purchase the required items. If possible, get your name patent.

Also read: How to Find a Name for your Business

5. Develop a website and promote your business

A personal coaching business will be difficult without a business website. Your website displays your services, reliable information, and testimonials. It also builds a strong portfolio that helps in creating your brand awareness

Here are the steps to building a business website:

  • Decide your domain name
  • Purchase hosting and domain name
  • Build webpages (service page, portfolio page, testimonials, contact us page, etc)
  • Launch your website
  • Share it on every social platform, and use SEO to get organic visitors 

Note: If you want the NxtDecade team to design your website, contact us.

6. Collect leads through Social media and turn them into your clients

You can collect leads through various social media platforms by running ads or posting engaging content. Social media platforms such as Quora, LinkedIn, and Instagram also help to get more traffic to your website. This traffic can be converted into leads.

Once you start getting leads, contact and inform them about your services.

icons of social media platforms

Benefits of Personal Coaching Business

If you want to build a career that affects people’s lifestyles, attitudes, and skills, positively; consider becoming a coach. The role is more than teaching.

It is about giving constant support, and motivation, and standing with them in their journey. It gives a personal appreciation after your coachee’s accomplishment.

A few benefits are given below:

  • Personal coaching is rewarding and satisfying
  • You will have flexible working hours
  • Flexibility to live and work wherever you want
  • Enhances your own personal and professional abilities
  • Strengthens your business relations and community
  • Earn a high income after establishing your brand


Businesses like personal coaching are on the boom these days. Nowadays, people are coming out of their shells and seeking guidance from these coaches.

You can build your long-term career as a coach. These kinds of coaching will give you the satisfaction and flexibility to work anywhere, anytime.

“When you encourage others, you in the process are being encouraged because you’re making a commitment to that person’s life.Encouragement really does make a difference.”  – Zig Ziglar

Lata Raj

She is imaginative, approachable, and believes in a growth mindset. She is process-oriented and prefers to follow her intuitions. She loves to read books, especially autobiographies and the cosmos. Her favorite quote is, “Nothing worth having comes easy".

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Lata Raj

    Glad you liked it, Ma’am.

  2. Mousumi

    Very enriching. Thanks

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